F W P Health

A Wake-Up Call for Better Health...

Six reasons why you should not sleep near your phone:

While it’s tempting to keep your phone close at night, there are some compelling reasons to reconsider. From disrupting your sleep cycle to exposing you to potentially harmful radiation, the risks of sleeping near your phone are real.

In this post, we’ll explore six eye-opening reasons why your phone should stay off your nightstand and how this small change can lead to better sleep, improved health, and a more peaceful mind.

1 Anything that blinks...

Rings, lights up, or buzzes will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. If you're conscious enough to think about it, you probably won't even realize your phone is the culprit. These sleep cycle disturbances can be very harmful over time.

2 All the "smart" devices in your home have the ability to monitor you.

Smart thermostats, smart refrigerators, your robot vacuums (the ones I'm pretty sure I would die without)... do you really want anyone (nope, I have no idea who "they" are) listening to what is happening in your bedroom? This isn't a conspiracy theory. Pegasus I and II are real, can be installed remotely and the average tech junkie doesn't even know how to look for them, much less remove them.

3 The science is still out on the actual physical, mental and emotional harms caused by electromagnetic frequency emissions.

But just using logic, we can agree that too much of anything can be harmful. The question is, how much is "too much"? For now, just avoid being the guinea pig.

4 Fire risk... yep. ­

A phone's battery can overheat. Imagine that thing stuffed between the bed and a pillow?!?! Phones can catch on fire and even explode. Let's not forget about the Samsung Galaxy fiasco a few years ago. 

5 Your phone is designed to engage you.

If you get up in the middle of the night to pee and just take a quick peek at your phone, in a matter of seconds you are engaged in a text or some social media rambling. This makes falling back into a healthy sleep cycle very difficult.

6 We tend to live life as if our phone contains our lives.

This couldn't be further from reality. Disconnecting from your phone allows you to connect with yourself, your loved ones, the natural world, and most importantly, God. Seriously, don't use your phone's alarm clock as an excuse. Turn off your phone, leave it to charge on the other side of the house, and invest in a cheap analog (or non-smart) alarm clock with a dimmable display for nighttime.