F W P Health

Master Keto or Carnivore on a Cruise: Essential Tips to Stay on Track

Savoring the Moment: How a Small Escargot Indulgence Taught Me Grace and Balance

Maintaining a carnivore or keto lifestyle on a cruise ship?

Oh boy, that’s a wild ride! So, picture this: The first few days, I’m feeling like a wellness warrior. Hydrating like a fish, fasting like a monk, and making all the smart choices. Easy peasy, right? Fast forward to dinner on the third night. I’m scanning the menu and my eyes land on escargot. Now, it’s been ages since I last had it, and I remember and I remember absolutely loving it. This time, it’s served in a dreamy garlic butter parmesan sauce. Sounds keto-friendly enough, right?


So, I confidently place my order, feeling pretty good about my smart choice. But then… they bring it out with fresh, warm, oh-so-tempting bread. Y’all, I’m not made of stone! I mean, who can resist dipping bread into garlic butter sauce? Certainly not me! One dip led to another, and soon, I’m in carb heaven. Every bite felt like a step closer to paradise, and I savored each one like it was my last.

But hey, it’s all part of the journey! Sometimes, you gotta indulge a little, especially when you’re on a fabulous cruise. Life’s too short to miss out on those heavenly moments. Just remember to jump back on track the next day and keep sailing forward!


In case you were wondering, the escargot was absolutely delicious! My husband and both the kids tried it and they loved it too! Then, it was time to move on. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel sick, anxious, depressed, or experience any weird pain, which is what usually happens after I “cheated” a little.

Maybe it was because the portion was small, or perhaps it was the rest of the meal being packed with high-quality protein and fat. Either way, one thing was clear—I needed to reboot and give myself some grace. Indulgences happen, and it’s all about finding that balance and being kind to ourselves along the way.